Most ad agencies, marketers and copywriters do B2C campaigns.

In such competitive consumer markets, the most regurgitated “how to market” slogan is “Sell the Benefits. Not the Features”

And that’s true… for B2C.

You see, when marketed to a consumer, it’s not the physical product that matters, it’s what’s referred to as the “functional” product that the buyer is interested about, which means…

A consumer wants the feeling of desire satisfaction that the product will provide

And that’s why when asking a B2C copywriter if he can write a piece for a B2B campaign his answer will most likely be “Sure thing. It doesn’t matter at all because at the end of the day the buyer is a person, and buying is an irrational decision. Making the benefits irresistible is all there’s to it.”

He’s wrong, let me explain:

The fact that the buyer is a human being is unquestionable, …